
In the Austria's capital city and the surrounding area (then Gau Groß-Wien/Greater Vienna District) several sub-camps of the Mauthausen concentration camp were built. The large sub-camps to the south of the city were built in the industrial areas, many of which are now part of the state of Lower Austria. In the current boundaries of Vienna the sub-camps of Saurerwerke in Simmering, Floridsdorf and Jedlesee could be found, as well as a small sub-camp in Schloss Schönbrunn.

Local groups

  • Cultural Association of the Austrian Roma
    The Cultural Association of Austrian Roma was founded on 20th of June in Vienna by Prof. Rudolf Sarközi. He was chairmann till he died on March 12th 2016. On the 3rd of June 1996 the Documentation and Information Centre of Austrian Roma (Roma-Doku) was opened at 1190 Vienna, Devrientgasse 1. In a permanent exhibition with 64 boards, depicting the history oft he Austrian Roma and Sinti, from the beginning of their wandering into Europe right up to their present day. Detailed information on the activities of the Austrian Cultural Association:
  • MK Vienna
  • Verein Niemals Vergessen