Concentration camp survivor Max Garcia passed away on January 09, 2021, after being tormented internally in recent months by the terrible memories of concentration camp stays at Auschwitz, Mauthausen, Melk and Ebensee.
"Destination Unknown" tells the story of concentration camp survivor Ed Mosberg and eleven fellow survivors. Mauthausen Committee Austria in cooperation with Top Kino invites you to the Austrian-Premiere of the film "Destination Unknown" on
May 6th, 2019 at 07:30 p.m.
This Austrian premiere will be opened by concentration camp survivor Ed Mosberg, MKÖ chairman Willi Mernyi and director Llion Roberts. Subsequently, Mauthausen Committee invites you to a champagne reception.
Knowledge dissemination, especially to young people, is an important part of the work of Mauthausen Committee Austria (MKÖ). On 8 August 2018, in remembrance of the construction of CC Mauthausen 80 years ago and as a warning, Mauthausen Committee launched the Mauthausen Satellites App with information, photos and videos about the history of the camps and their survivors. An important mission of Mauthausen Committee is to teach young people history with interactive and innovative methods.
Severe interference includes encumbering access to many monuments, the complete closure of the Stairway of Death, and the insensitive construction of a concrete tower in the middle of the concentration camp memorial.