Press releases

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MKÖ-Vorsitzenden Willi Merny unter 0664 / 103 64 65
MKÖ-Geschäftsleitung Christa Bauer unter

Concentration camp survivor Daniel Chanoch © MKÖ/Jacqueline Godany

We are deeply saddened by the loss of Daniel Chanoch. A great fighter for solidarity and for ‘never again’ has left us. We have lost a great friend and are infinitely saddened.’ – Christa Bauer, Managing Director of the Mauthausen Committee Austria.

Teaser Grundmann, Jungwirth, Bauer, Mernyi © MKÖ/APA - Jacqueline Godany

The transfer of knowledge, especially to young people, is an important part of the work of the Mauthausen Committee Austria (MKÖ). Today, in memory of the establishment of the Mauthausen concentration camp 80 years ago and as a reminder, the MKÖ launches the "Mauthausen satellite camp app" with information, photos, videos on history and the survivors.
