Nine new FPÖ "isolated cases" in only eight weeks
Mauthausen Committee was obliged to complement its recent brochure "Merely Isolated Incidents? The FPÖ and Right-Wing Extremism":
Nine more FPÖ "isolated cases" in only eight weeks!
Once again, these "isolated cases" involve racism, antisemitism and Nazi revival: They advocate the reopening of the concentration camp Mauthausen, employ Nazi language such as "Jew pigs", and harass children with the "wrong" lineage.
In the eight weeks since publication of the brochure "Merely Isolated Incidents? The FPÖ and Right-Wing Extremism", politicians of the FPÖ [Austrian Freedom Party] provided nine new "isolated cases".
In August Mauthausen Committee Austria published a brochure depicting right-wing extremist activities on the part of FPÖ politicians. This brochure describes some 60 "isolate cases" from the recent past. This triggered enormous media attention and a broad debate.